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5 Sessions of Executive Life Coaching $ 1000
A comprehensive 360 degree view of how you are projecting yourself at work, with your friends, and at home utilizing Vedic Science as well as western needs assessment techniques  like SWOT analysis, SMART goals. The objective is to make you more self-aware, centered, empowered, and effective in life. By prioritizing what is necessary and real and avoiding what is unreal we can work together to achieve much more satisfaction and focus. We control how simple or complicated our responses are to life!
In depth Natal Chart Analysis 90 minutes-$250.
This  is a 90 minute comprehensive reading. If this is your first reading. Your talents, purpose, life events,  favorable and unfavorable timing, and Karmic unfoldment will be discussed.  An accurate birth time and place is essential for a precise analysis of the birth chart. A chart is made out based on the moment of birth for the particular place of birth and from such a chart one can read all events which are likely to manifest and the timing based on planetary positions. It will highlight the good periods, and challenging periods of your life. You may ask any questions beforehand so I can be as specific as possible. You will be more self aware after this reading is complete. Because the Natal Reading offers a broad overview or karmic blueprint of one’s attachments and tendencies it shows your life map. The outlook for four areas of life Artha -Wealth and work, Dharma-Duty and responsibility, Kama-Love and relationships, and Moksha-Spiritual alignment and freedom will be discussed in full.



Solar Meditation for Stress Relief and Relaxation $600
This is a 3 hour intensive that happens over one week.  Specific breathing techniques, guided visualization, posture and mantra will be discussed. You will be guided step by step. This will set you up for a lifetime of meditation practice.


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